The National Association of REALTORS® has launched a CALL FOR ACTION asking Members of Congress to cosponsor H.R. 5419, the Direct Seller and Real Estate Agent Harmonization Act, to ensure real estate agents maintain their independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
In California, 85% of real estate agents choose to do business as independent contractors. C.A.R. successfully included provisions in state laws and regulations, including AB 5, protecting REALTORS® ability to work as independent contractors. At the federal level, the Internal Revenue Code carves out real estate professionals who choose to work as independent contractors. Unfortunately, the Department of Labor ignores these carve-outs in its Final Rule on determining independent contractor or employee status. This has made the rules unclear for how real estate agents can ensure they are doing business as independent contractors.
H.R. 5419 will align the FLSA with the Internal Revenue Code to ensure real estate professionals in California and nationwide can continue to operate their businesses without uncertainty from conflicting statutes and regulations.
Take action now! Use this link ( to send a message to your member of Congress to cosponsor H.R. 5419 to preserve independent contractor status!
If you have any questions about this Call for Action effort, please contact Matt Bunch at or 916-492-5233.
